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Dr. Filippo Augusto Trinei




Country of Citizenship :                   Italy

Mobile:                                             392 046 7366

E-mail Address  :                    

Date of Birth :                                  03 / 29 / 1968




10/20/92          Graduated in Medicine , 110/110 Suma Cum Laude

11/86-10/92     University of Perugia School of Medicine , Perugia, Italy .

8/1-31/90         International House of London , Londra , United Kingdom.

9/81-6/86         Liceo Scientifico “Galileo Galilei “ (High School) , Perugia, Italy.


Professional training 

    11/94-10/99    General Surgey Residency, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy.

    2/99-8/99        Internship at “Paces , Plastic Surgery & Recovery Center”, Atlanta, GA, USA.

    3/96-9/97        Research Fellowship, “Dept. of Plastic, Reconstructive And Maxillo Facial     Surgery”, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA , USA.

     3/92-10/92      Internship “Dept. Vascular Surgery” , University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy.




11/92               Medical License, score : 90/90.

11/99               General Surgery Board




1/99                 Scolarship from O.N.A.O.S.I., Perugia, Italy.

10/17-18/98    Award: “The Doctor in Private Practice “, Perugia , Italy.

1/95-12/95      Award: “The Doctor in Private Practice “, Perugia , Italy.


1/93-12/94      Member of the Scientific Committee of the A.N.D.O.S., Perugia , Italy.




Since November 1999 , Private Practice in Aesthetic Surgery and non Surgical Aesthetic Procedure.


  • 1992     
    Exhibition of Charity to get Founds for the F.O.R.M (Breast Reconstruction Task Force) and for the A.U.R.C. (Umbria’s Association For Surgical Reconstruction).

  • 1993
    Set up of the Perugia’s Committee of the A.N.D.O.S. (National Association Women Underwent Breast Surgery ).

  • 1993
    Exhibition of Charity to get founds for the A.N.D.O.S.
  • 1994
    Member of the Organization Committee of the "Fourth simposium of Plastic Surgery in Umbria and Thirteenth National Meeting of the ANDOS". 4/28-30/1994 , Perugia, Italy.
  • 1994
    Member of the Organization Committee of two conferences for the Cancer Association of Bolzano, Italy.

  • 1996
    Member of the Organization Committee of the 45° National Meeting of the Italian Society of Plastic , Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery , 10/12-17/96, Perugia, Italy.

  • 1998
    Member of the Organization Committee of the 48° National Meeting of the Italian Society of Plastic , Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery , 9/25-30/99, Gubbio, Italy.



- Plastic Surgery Hands-on endoscopic Lab. Atlanta, Georgia, USA 14/7/1997


“La Chirurgia endoscopica Mammaria “
F.A.Trinei, D.A. Staffemberg, F. Nahai.
in R. Lauro, C.Dominici : “Chirurgia Plastica della Mammella”. Ed. Piccin nuova libraria SPA Padova 1998.



1-"Studio con eco-color-doppler del Lembo Miocutaneo di Grande Pettorale in Chirurgia Ricostruttiva" . A. Pacifici, C. Dominici , F.A.Trinei.
Rivista Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica , Vol. 26, fascicolo 2 1994.
(Ultrasound-coluor-doppler study of the pectoralis major myocutaneous flap in plastic surgery).

2 -" Valutazione Eco-Color-Doppler del Muscolo Trapezio in Chirurgia Ricostruttiva" .
C.Dominici, A. Pacifici, F.A.Trinei, A.
Tinti Il Policlinico , Vol. 102 Num.1 Gen- Feb. 1995.
(Ultrasound-colour-doppler study of Trapezius muscle in Plastic Surgery).

3 - " Trattamento Microchiorurgico del varicocele Idiopatico".
A. Pacifici ,F.A.Trinei, U. Sarno, C. Dominici
Riv. Ital. Chir. Plast. Vol. 28, Fasc. 1 1996.
(Microsurgical treatment of idiopathic varicocele).

4 - “ La ricostruzione del padiglione auricolare nell’adulto”.
A.Coccaro, M. Cordellini, F.A.Trinei
45° Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. Chir. Plas. Ricostr. Est. Perugia, Italy 16/10/1996.
(Reconstruction of the Auricle Cartilage).

5 - “ Endoscopic assisted correction of platysma muscle diastasis and submandibolar gland prolapse”.
F.A.Trinei, D.A. Staffemberg, F. Nahai.
Atti del 45° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica. Perugia, Italy 16/10/1996

6 - “Laser myotomy of the corrugator muscle during endoscopic brow lift”.
F.A.Trinei, D.A. Staffemberg, F. Nahai
Atti del 45° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica.. Perugia, Italy 16/10/1996.

7 - “L’infiltrazione tumescente nella liposcultura ultrasonica”.
C. Dominici, L. Porrozzi, F.A.Trinei.
Atti del 45° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica.. Perugia, Italy 16/10/1996.
(Tumescent Technique in Ultrasaund Assisted Liposuction).

8 - “Neoplasie della regione palpebrale : tecniche ricostruttive”.
A. Coccaro, M. Cordellini, F.A.Trinei
Atti del 45° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica.. Perugia, Italy 16/10/1996.
(Neoplasia of the Orbital Region : Reconstructive Technique).

9 - “Protocollo di studio anatomico clinico e psicologico della ricostruzione mammaria (F.O.R.M.)”.
N. Scuderi, C. Dominici, F.Duranti, F.A.Trinei
Atti del 45° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica.. Perugia , Italy 16/10/1996.
(Anatomo-Clinic and Psicological Protocol about the Breast Reconstruction).

10 - “ Il varicolcele recidivo”.
A. Pacifici, A. Tinti, F.A.Trinei
Giornale Italiano di Chirurgia. Vol.51,1/1997.
(The Recurrent varicolcele).

11 - “The Sentinel Vein : An Important Reference Point for Surgery in the Temporal Region”.
F.A.Trinei, J. Januszkiewicz, F. Nahai.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Vol. 101, Num 1 pag 27-32 1998.

12 - “Superiorly Based Nasalis Myocutaneous Island Pedicle Flap with Bilevel Undermining for Nasal Tip and Supratip”
D.J. Papadopoulus, F.A. Trinei
Dermatol Surg. 1999 Jul;25(7):530-536.

13 - “ Deep Inferior Epigastric Adipofascial Flap (DIEAF)- Scarpa’s Fascia Flap II.
V. Ramakrishnan, F. A. Trinei, F. Nahai, L.K. Thornton.
Sent for Pubblication to British Journal of Plastic Surgery.

14 – “Fixation Methods During Endoscopic Brow Lift”.
F.A. Trinei, M.D. and Foad Nahai, M.D., F.A.C.S.
48° National Meeting of the Italian Society of Plastic , Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery , 9/25-30/99, Gubbio, Italy.



1- "Applicazione di Tecniche Microchirurgiche nella Chirurgia Plastica Ambulatoriale". C.Dominici, A. Tinti, F. A. Trinei.
43° Congresso Nazionale di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva. Ancona, Italy 09/28- 10/01 1994. (Ambulatory Microsurgical Techniques in Plastic Surgery).

2 - " Chirurgia ambulatoriale dell'Ernia Inguinale".
C.Dominici, M.Cordellini, F. A. Trinei.
43° Congresso di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva Ancona, Italy 09/28- 10/01 1994.
( Ambulatory Surgery of the Inguinal Hernia).

3 - " Progress in the Surgical Techniques for Phalloplasty in Female to Male Transsexualism ",
C.Dominici, A. Tinti, F. A. Trinei.
Gender Identity Disorder Rome , Italy 11/16-18/1995.

4 - " The Sentinel Vein : An Important Reference Point for Surgery in the Temporal Region". Fifth
F.A.Trinei, D.A. Staffemberg, F. Nahai.
Congress of Italian and American Plastic Surgeons.
S. Francisco, California, USA, 11/14-16/1996.

5 - "The Sentinel Vein : An Important Reference Point for Surgery in the Temporal Region".
F.A.Trinei, D.A. Staffemberg, F. Nahai.
J society. Atlanta , Georgia, USA 25-27/4/1997.

6 - “ Endoscopically Harvested Latissimus Dorsi Flap for Breast Reconstruction”.
F.A.Trinei, A.Tinti, C.Dominici.
Ricostruzione Mammaria con Tessuto Autologo. Stato dell’arte. Verona, Italy 9-10 Maggio, 1997.

7 - “Una grave complicanza post-operatoria: forse prevedibile”?
F.A.Trinei, A. Tinti, M.Cordellini. C.Dominici.
Meeting Invernale di Chirurgia Plastica. Problematiche in Chirurgia Palstica: Case Reports.
Cortina D’Ampezzo, 8-15/2/1998.

8 - “ La criochirurgia in Chirurgia Plastica”.
M.Cordellini, C.Dominici, F.A.Trinei.
47° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica. Palermo, Italy 23-26/9/1998.




1- 45° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica.
Perugia, Italy 16/10/1996 . “ Endoscopic assisted correction of platysma mescle diastasis and submandibolar gland prolapse”.

2 - 45° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica. Perugia, Italy 16/10/1996. “Laser myotomy of the corrugator muscle during endoscopic brow lift”.

3 - Fifth Congress of Italian and American Plastic Surgeons.
S. Francisco , California , USA 11/14-16/1996 ."The Sentinel Vein : An Important Reference Point for Surgery in the Temporal Region".

4 - J society. "The Sentinel Vein : An Important Reference Point for Surgery in the Temporal Region". Atlanta , Georgia, USA 25-27/4/1997.

5 - Meeting Invernale di Chirurgia Plastica. Problematiche in Chirurgia Palstica: Case Reports “Una grave complicanza post-operatoria: forse prevedibile” ? Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy 8-15/2/1998.
(A bed Post Operative Complication : Maybe Predictable ?).

6 – 48° National Meeting of the Italian Society of Plastic ,Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
“Fixation Methods During Endoscopic Brow Lift”.
9/27/1999 , Gubbio, Italy.



- 1992 : I started a project Anatomo-Clinic and Surgical about the Breast Reconstruction based on 1000 Patients in 10 years called F.O.R.M. in collaboration with other Italian Departments of Plastic Surgery.





1- " I Simposio di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva in umbria". Perugia , Italy 06/15/1991 (First simposium of Plastic Surgery in Umbria ).

2 - "II Simposio di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva in Umbria ". Perugia, Italy 05/15-16/1992.
(Second simposium of Plastic Surgery in Umbria ).

3 - "5° Congresso Nazionale- 4° Congresso Internazionale della Società Italiana di Flebolinfologia
(SIFL). Siena, Italy 09/27-30/1993.
(Fifth National Meeting & Fourth International Meeting of the Italian Society of Flebolinfology).

4 - " III Simposio di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva in Umbria ", Perugia , Italy 05/15-16/1993
(Third simposium of Plastic Surgery in Umbria, ).

5 -" 2° Giornata di Flebologica del Lazio, Gravidanza e Patologia venosa", (SIF), Tivoli , Italy 06/11/1994.
(Second Flebologic Day in Lazio, Pregnancy and Venous Patology).

6 - "IV Simposio di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva in Umbria , XIII Congresso Nazionale A.N.D.O.S." Perugia, Italy 04/28-30/1994.
(Fourth simposium of Plastic Surgery in Umbria and Thirteenth National Meeting of the ANDOS).

7 - " Ernia Inguinale : Le Nuove Tecniche" , Milano, Italy 06/2-4/1994.
(Inguinal Hernia : New Techniques).

8 - "43° Congresso nazionale di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva", Ancona, Italy 09/28-10/01 1994.
(43° National Meeting of Plastic Surgery , Italy).

9 - " Impiego dell'Acido Glicolico in Chirurgia Estetica, Ancona, Italy 10/01/1994.
(Glycolic Acid in Aesthetic Surgery).

10 - " Riunione Plenaria della Forza Operativa Nazionale sul Carcinoma mammario (FONCaM)", Assisi , Italy 10/27/1994 .
(National Meeting of the National Task Force about the Breast Cancer).

11- "Seminario Inter Universitario Teorico-Pratico di Chirurgia del Volto (Area Nasale)
Padova, Italy12/1-2/1994.
(InterUniversitary Seminary of the Surgery of The Face , Nasal area).

12 - "Chirurgia estetica dello scheletro facciale.Osteotomie Facciali e Rinoplastica associate”.
Allungamento Mandibolare mediante Distrazione Ossea ( Prof. F.O. Monasterio ).
Padova, Italy 02/16/1995.
(Aesthetic Surgery of the face . Associated Facial Osteotomies and Rinoplasty . Bone Distraction of the Mandibular bone).

13 - "Seminario Interuniversitario Teorico-Pratico di Chirurgia del Volto” (Area Nasale)
Perugia, Italy 02/23-24/ 1995
(InterUniversitary Seminary of the Surgery of The Face , Nasal area)

14 - "Seminario Interuniversitario Teorico-Pratico di Chirurgia del Volto” (Area Nasale)
Firenze, Italy 03/30-31/1995.
(InterUniversitary Seminary of the Surgery of The Face , Nasal area).

15 - " La Pancreatite Acuta Emorragica e le Emorragie Digestive Alte”. Stato dell'Arte, Terni, Italy 09/09/1995.
( The Haemorrhagic Acute Pancreatitis and the High Digestive Haemorrhagie).

16 - "44° Congresso Nazionale di Chirurgia Plastica e Ricostruttiva" , Bologna, Italy 11/ 1995
(44° National Meeting of the Italian Society Of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery).

17 - " Ruolo delle Perforanti nella Patologia Varicosa degli Arti Inferiori, S. Sepolcro, Italy 12/08/1995.
(Role of the perforator vessels in the Varicous Pathology of the inferior limbs).

18 - "The second Annual International Simposium on Aesthetic Surgery: Endoscopic Aesthetic Surgery, Body Conturing and facial resurfacing", Atlanta, GA, USA, 08/30- 09/01 1996.

19 - 45° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica.
Perugia, Italy, 10/12-17/96.
(45° National Meeting of the Italian Society of Plastic , Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery).

20 - The Fifth Congress of Italian & American Plastic Surgeons. San Francisco, California 14-16/11/1996.

21 - The Jurkiewicz Society. Atlanta , Georgia, USA 25-27/4/1997.

22 - Third International Symposium for Aesthetic Surgery. Atlanta, Georgia USA 11-13/7/1997.

23- Meeting Invernale di Chirurgia Plastica. Problematiche in Chirurgia Palstica: Case Reports.
Cortina D’Ampezzo, Italy 8-15/2/1998.
(Troubles in Plastic Surgery : Case Reports ).

24 - XIX Congresso della Società Italiana di Medicina Estetica. Roma, Italy 3-5/4/1998
(19° Meeting of the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine).
25 - Meeting Congiunto; Società Tosco Umbro di chirurgia , Società Triveneta: “Le Neoplasie dell’Esofago”. Perugia, Italy 24/4/1998 .
(Esophagus Cancer ).

26 - III Incontro regionale A.I.D.O. Emilia Romagna. Parma, Italy, 9/5/1998
(3° Meeting of the Italian Society Of Hospital Dermatologist)

27 - 9° Congresso della Società Europea di Chirurgia Plastica . Verona, Italy 30/5/1998
(9° Meeting of the European Society of Plastic Surgery).

28 - 16th Annual Dallas Rhynoplasty Symposium. Dallas , TX, USA 3/4-6/1999

29 - 48° National Meeting of the Italian Society of Plastic , Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery , 9/25-30/99, Gubbio, Italy.





1 - Scuola di Angiodermo Chirurgia Ambulatoriale, Perugia, 03/24-26/1995
(Course about the Ambulatory Angiodermo Surgery).

2 - Aesthetic Surgery : Pre-Symposium hands-on Endoscopic Lab. Atlanta, GA, 8/29/96.

3 - Aesthetic Surgery : Post-Symposium, Laser Lab. Atlanta, GA, 2/9/96.

4 - Corso di perfezionamento: " Novità in Ricostruzione Mammaria", Verona, 09/12-13/1996
( Course : What is new in breast reconstruction).

- 45° National Meeting of the Italian Society of Plastic , Reconstructive and Aesthetic
Surgery, Perugia, Italy 10/12-17/96 ; Courses Attended :

5 - Chirurgia del naso con particolare riguardo alla punta. (Surgery of the nose : The tip).

6 - Blefaroplastica. (Blepharoplasty).

7 - Chirurgia correttiva e ricostruttiva del padiglione auricolare.
(Plastic and Reconstructive - Surgery of the Ears).

8 - Face lift endoscopico. (Endoscopic Face Lift) .

9 - Liposuzione e Lipoaspirazione Ultrasonica controllata. (Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction).

10 - Terapia Chirugica della Calvizie. (Hair Replacement Surgery ).

11- Mastoplastica Additiva .(Augmentation Mammaplasty).

12 - Chirurgia del naso con particolare riguardo al setto. ( Surgery of the Nose: The Septum)

13 - Transsexualismo.( Transessualism).

14 - Workshop : invecchiamento cutaneo, acido glicolico in associazione con terproline.
(Glycoli acid in combination with Terproline in Skin aging treatment ).

15 - Collagen Workshop SoftForm. Rome, Italy, 3/16/1998.

16 - Workshop Interuniversitario Teorico-Pratico di chirurgia del Naso e della Mammella.
Living Surgery. Padova, Italy 26-27/3/1998.
( Inter Universitary Workshop in Nose and Breast Surgery)

17 - Corso Full Immersion di Chirurgia Estetica : “La Mammella se è piccola, se è ptosica, se è malformata. Perugia , Italy 18-19/4/1998.
(Full immersion course .The Breast: If small, If Ptotic, If Deformed)

18 - Workshop: La Glutammina: dalla biochimica alla nutrizione artificiale. Perugia , Italy 9/13/98. (The Glutammine: From Biochemistry to I.V. Nutrition).

19 - Development in Body Contouring, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2/13/99

20 – Advance Cardiac Life Support. Atlanta , GA, USA , 9/11/99




 - S.I.C.P.R.E : Italian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Italy.

 - A.N.D.O.S. : National Society Women Underwent Breast surgery, Italy

 - A.U.R.C. : Umbria’s Society for Surgical Reconstruction




11/92-10/93    Military Service.
11/92-10/94    Cancer Association , Bolzano, Italy (volunteer).
93-98 A.N.D.O.S. (National Association Women Underwent Breast Surgery) Perugia, Italy, (volunteer).




Mother language : Italian
Fluent speeking : English
Fair Speeking : French




- Plastic Surgery Hands-on endoscopic Lab. Atlanta, Georgia, USA 14/7/1997




Foad Nahai, MD: “Paces, Plastic Surgery And Recovery Center” Atlanta, GA, USA.

John Bostwick III, MD.: Chief of the “ Dept. of Plastic, Reconstructive and Maxillo Facial Surgery”, Emory University School Of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Diamondis J. Papadopoulus , MD. : “Dept. of Dermatology, Co-Head Dermatologic Surgery” Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Felmont F. Eaves III, MD : “Charlotte Plastic Surgery center” Charlotte, NC, USA.

Cristiano Dominici, MD : Chief of the “ Dept. of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery” University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy .